APSC Examination

Preliminary Examination

  1. General Studies-I Total Marks – 200 | Duration – 2 Hours | Type – Objective
    30%-35% questions will compulsorily be related to Assam
  2. General Studies-II Total Marks – 200 | Duration – 2 Hours | Type – Objective
    Qualifying nature, shall have minimum qualifying marks of 33%

Main Examination

  1. Paper 1: Essay: 250 marks: 3 hours
  2. Paper 2 to 6: General Studies: 250 marks: 3 hours each
  3. Paper 7: Optional Paper-1: 250 marks: 3 hours
  4. Paper 8: Optional Paper-2: 250 marks: 3 hours

Total Written Exam – 2000 marks

  • Interview (Personality Test) – 275 marks (After qualifying in Written Examination)

Total Written + Interview marks – 2275 marks

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